Sorry I've been absent from blogging. Mom and Dad moved to a new house a couple weeks ago and life has been a little hectic. Here is a our new needs work! But Mom has been unpacking and trying to fix it up. She already put my room back together!
In the last couple of weeks I have been working on my smile.
I've gone on some errands with Mom. I always bring Soffie the giraffe with me.
The new house is really close to the Potomac river and the canal.
So Dad put me and Camden in the car to head out for a hike!
I like riding in the bjorn most of the time...but I miss all of the views because I
either fall asleep or just get to look at Dad. Soon I will be big enough
to face the other way!

We've also been keeping up with the laundry. I help.

And I've been working on my tummy time.
Gotta always make time for exercise!
Phew! What a workout!
Oh! And I have been cooing! It's my new favorite thing.
that little samwich is a charmer! his cheeks are the most sqeeze-able in the world!