Today I am six months old!
Wow! Time sure flies when you're busy like me!

I've been trying lots of new foods.
I like turnips, carrots, cauliflower,
potatoes, and avocado!

I'm not so fond of bananas. But I LOVE sweet potatoes!

The other night I went to Maggie's house for taco night.
Mom had tacos. I had a bottle. And Maggie fed it to me!
One of my new favorite games is rolling over on the changing table.
It is hysterical. I especially enjoy flipping over right when Mom
is changing my diaper. Then I give her a real struggle when she tries to
put my jammies on. Ha! So sometimes I get dressed upside down!
Oh, and did I mention that I'm pretty big? I'm over 20 pounds now!
I'll update you with the exact figures after my doctor appointment,
but let me just say that even though I'm the youngest baby at school,
I am the second biggest!

One more tidbit--- I am crawling! I haven't mastered it completely,
but I can definitely get from one end of the room to the other!
Video coming soon . . .
Happy 6 month Birthday, Sam -- the cutest kid in school!